Lawar Plek Recipe

Lawar Definition

Lawar is a kind of Balinese traditional food which is very popular in Bali. It is usually served in every ceremonial event in Bali as main dish whether it is served for offering to God or served for dish. Lawar is made from fresh meat, vegetable, and coconut as the main ingredients. Then they are chopped well and next mixed with Balinese traditional spices. Lawar is typically served with its condiments such as satay, fried meat, cracker, and special soup named “Komoh” as the side dish. It can be defined as a big dish in which people usually have it for main course. Lawar has a very rich taste such as savory, little bit spicy, and of course flavorful.

Nowadays, many people are very interested in having lawar as their meal and they often seek this food around Bali. Many restaurants are built to serve lawar and most of them are serving different types of lawar. There are many kinds of lawar in Bali which is based on its origin and area.

Kinds of Lawar

Lawar Jukut

Lawar jukut is also known as the green lawar. This is because it mostly contains vegetables than the meat. This type of lawar looks greeny and fresh because it is made from vegetables dominantly. The taste of this lawar is so flavorful with fresh taste from the vegetables. Most restaurants also provide this dish because it looks so fresh and eye-catching.

Lawar Nangka

Lawar nangka is made from fresh jackfruit and a little meat. The jackfruit is chosen from the younger ones and then boiled until cooked medium. Then the cooked jackfruit can be grated or chopped. This lawar is also mixed with rich Balinese spices and it makes this lawar tastes flavorful and has unique texture.

Lawar Nyuh

Lawar nyuh is another one which spreads mostly around Bali. This type of lawar is basically made from old coconuts. The old coconut can be grated or chopped clearly depends on the choice. Lawar nyuh is the most served in Bali in which people usually have this for ceremonial dish. The texture is so fresh and crunchy because of the coconut.

Lawar Tulen

Different from types of lawar above, this lawar serves meaty lawar. Lawar tulen is made from mixed cooked jackfruit and coconut and this lawar dominantly contains meat than the other condiments. The meat is cooked and chopped, then mixed with the cooked jackfruit and coconut and also the traditional spices. It is very tasteful and meaty. People kindly like this so much.

Lawar Plek

Lawar plek is the most happening right now among the other types of lawar. Most people tend to seek this kind of food to feel the different taste of lawar. This culinary is originally from Ketewel Village, Sukawati, Gianyar. However, this food spreads up around Gianyar in recent days.

Lawar plek is identic from its fresh meat which is actually uncooked. The meat is very fresh without any cooks like a shushi in Japan. The meat is in varieties such as pork, chicken, beef, lamb, and even marlin fish. This food also contains very rich traditional spices with its condiments as well. The garnish of this lawar is also very popular which is taken from fresh green peppercorns. Another identic characteristic of this lawar is using fresh blood of the meat for coloring it into red. Therefore, from those unique characteristics like using fresh meat and blood can make this food categorized into an extreme food.

Lawar Plek Recipe

Lawar plek is quite easy to be made as long as we can get the ingredients like those traditional spices. Some people have tried to make it by their own ways at home. Here are some ingredients and steps to make lawar plek in simple dish:


-          Fresh/uncooked meat (pork, chicken, beef, lamb, or marlin fish)

-          Fresh blood (for pork)

-          Fresh cooked young jackfruit

-          Old grated coconut

-          Cooked skin (any meat)

-          Traditional spices (fried garlic oil, fried shrimp paste, chili oil)

-          Black & white pepper

-          Salt

-          Fried onion & garlic

-          Slices of lime and its leaves

-          Fresh green peppercorn


-          Slice and chop well the fresh/uncooked meat

-          Grate and chop well cooked young jackfruit

-          Grate and chop also the old coconut

-          Slice thinly the cooked skin

-          Prepare the traditional spices (buy the ready ones)

-          Slice well the lime leaves

-          After the fresh meat chopped, mixed it with the spices and stir them well

-          Slowly add the chopped young jackfruit and the coconut

-          Put little salt and pepper

-          Put also the fried onion and garlic

-          Squeeze a slice of lime

-          Then stir them all well

-          Add some sliced lime leaves

-          Finally, put some peppercorns on the top and lawar plek is ready to serve
